Wikipedia links (it)
This network consists of the wikilinks of the Wikipedia in the Italian language
(it). Nodes are Wikipedia articles, and directed edges are wikilinks, i.e.,
hyperlinks within one wiki. In the wiki source, these are indicated with
[[double brackets]]. Only pages in the article namespace are included.
Size | n = | 2,148,791
Volume | m = | 104,719,994
Loop count | l = | 30,076
Wedge count | s = | 528,260,116,394
Claw count | z = | 25,120,883,266,462,528
Cross count | x = | 1.278 01 × 1021
Triangle count | t = | 3,415,310,223
Maximum degree | dmax = | 286,603
Maximum outdegree | d+max = | 5,368
Maximum indegree | d−max = | 286,557
Average degree | d = | 97.468 8
Fill | p = | 2.629 51 × 10−5
Size of LCC | N = | 2,148,717
Size of LSCC | Ns = | 1,448,715
Relative size of LSCC | Nrs = | 0.776 389
Diameter | δ = | 9
50-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.5 = | 2.871 98
90-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.9 = | 3.929 02
Median distance | δM = | 3
Mean distance | δm = | 3.430 78
Gini coefficient | G = | 0.764 861
Balanced inequality ratio | P = | 0.195 663
Outdegree balanced inequality ratio | P+ = | 0.224 409
Indegree balanced inequality ratio | P− = | 0.173 334
Relative edge distribution entropy | Her = | 0.900 443
Power law exponent | γ = | 1.351 11
Degree assortativity | ρ = | −0.049 556 5
Degree assortativity p-value | pρ = | 0.000 00
Clustering coefficient | c = | 0.019 395 6
Directed clustering coefficient | c± = | 0.568 114
Spectral norm | α = | 1,817.81
Operator 2-norm | ν = | 1,418.39
Reciprocity | y = | 0.509 008
Non-bipartivity | bA = | 0.291 943
Normalized non-bipartivity | bN = | 0.086 823 0
Matrix decompositions plots
Jérôme Kunegis.
KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection.
In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages
1343–1350, 2013.
[ http ]