Linux sources

This is the network of Linux source code files, with directed edges denoting that they include each other. The network is based on Linux version 3.16.


Internal namelinux
NameLinux sources
Data source
AvailabilityDataset is available for download
Consistency checkDataset passed all tests
Software network
Dataset timestamp 2014
Node meaningFile
Edge meaningInclusion
Network formatUnipartite, directed
Edge typeUnweighted, no multiple edges
ReciprocalContains reciprocal edges
Directed cyclesContains directed cycles
LoopsContains loops


Size n =30,837
Volume m =213,954
Loop count l =530
Wedge count s =181,572,103
Claw count z =334,773,756,249
Cross count x =593,768,370,338,024
Triangle count t =170,862
Square count q =153,045,006
4-Tour count T4 =1,951,074,894
Maximum degree dmax =9,340
Maximum outdegree d+max =243
Maximum indegree dmax =9,324
Average degree d =13.876 4
Fill p =0.000 224 997
Size of LCC N =30,817
Size of LSCC Ns =913
Relative size of LSCC Nrs =0.029 607 3
Diameter δ =12
50-Percentile effective diameter δ0.5 =2.633 08
90-Percentile effective diameter δ0.9 =4.182 36
Median distance δM =3
Mean distance δm =3.269 82
Gini coefficient G =0.630 258
Balanced inequality ratio P =0.273 470
Outdegree balanced inequality ratio P+ =0.336 049
Indegree balanced inequality ratio P =0.151 944
Relative edge distribution entropy Her =0.858 601
Power law exponent γ =1.536 91
Tail power law exponent γt =1.991 00
Tail power law exponent with p γ3 =1.991 00
p-value p =0.267 000
Outdegree tail power law exponent with p γ3,o =4.371 00
Outdegree p-value po =0.000 00
Indegree tail power law exponent with p γ3,i =1.971 00
Indegree p-value pi =0.008 000 00
Degree assortativity ρ =−0.174 679
Degree assortativity p-value pρ =0.000 00
In/outdegree correlation ρ± =−0.419 862
Clustering coefficient c =0.002 823 04
Directed clustering coefficient c± =0.075 617 6
Spectral norm α =171.851
Operator 2-norm ν =166.736
Cyclic eigenvalue π =10.299 4
Algebraic connectivity a =0.033 099 7
Spectral separation 1[A] / λ2[A]| =1.058 37
Reciprocity y =0.004 412 16
Non-bipartivity bA =0.055 152 9
Normalized non-bipartivity bN =0.017 431 8
Algebraic non-bipartivity χ =0.033 221 6
Spectral bipartite frustration bK =0.000 598 750
Controllability C =20,081
Relative controllability Cr =0.651 198


Fruchterman–Reingold graph drawing

Degree distribution

Cumulative degree distribution

Lorenz curve

Spectral distribution of the adjacency matrix

Spectral distribution of the normalized adjacency matrix

Spectral distribution of the Laplacian

Spectral graph drawing based on the adjacency matrix

Spectral graph drawing based on the Laplacian

Spectral graph drawing based on the normalized adjacency matrix

Degree assortativity

Zipf plot

Hop distribution

Double Laplacian graph drawing

Delaunay graph drawing

In/outdegree scatter plot

Clustering coefficient distribution

Average neighbor degree distribution


Matrix decompositions plots



[1] Jérôme Kunegis. KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages 1343–1350, 2013. [ http ]