This directed network contains observed grooming episodes between free ranging rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in Cayo Santiago during a two month period in 1963. Cayo Santiago is an island off the coast of Puerto Rico, also known as Isla de los monos (Island of the monkeys). A node represents a monkey and a directed edge A → B denotes that the rhesus macaque A groomed rhesus macaque B. The integer edge weights indicate how often this behaviour was observed.
Code | MR
| |
Internal name | moreno_rhesus
| |
Name | Rhesus macaques | |
Data source | | |
Availability | Dataset is available for download | |
Consistency check | Dataset passed all tests | |
Category | Animal network | |
Node meaning | Monkey | |
Edge meaning | Grooming | |
Network format | Unipartite, directed | |
Edge type | Positive weights, no multiple edges | |
Reciprocal | Contains reciprocal edges | |
Directed cycles | Contains directed cycles | |
Loops | Does not contain loops |
[1] | Jérôme Kunegis. KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages 1343–1350, 2013. [ http ] |
[2] | D. S. Sade. Sociometrics of Macaca mulatta I. linkages and cliques in grooming matrices. Folia Primatologica, 18(3-4):196–223, 1972. |