This is the trust network from the online social network Epinions. Nodes are
users of Epinions and directed edges represent trust between the users.
Size | n = | 75,879
Volume | m = | 508,837
Loop count | l = | 0
Wedge count | s = | 74,201,120
Claw count | z = | 27,111,469,575
Cross count | x = | 9,737,182,087,729
Triangle count | t = | 1,624,481
Square count | q = | 166,635,817
4-Tour count | T4 = | 1,630,702,496
Maximum degree | dmax = | 3,079
Maximum outdegree | d+max = | 1,801
Maximum indegree | d−max = | 3,035
Average degree | d = | 13.411 8
Fill | p = | 8.837 74 × 10−5
Size of LCC | N = | 75,877
Size of LSCC | Ns = | 32,223
Relative size of LSCC | Nrs = | 0.424 663
Diameter | δ = | 15
50-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.5 = | 3.816 09
90-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.9 = | 5.258 77
Median distance | δM = | 4
Mean distance | δm = | 4.400 33
Gini coefficient | G = | 0.814 342
Balanced inequality ratio | P = | 0.157 292
Outdegree balanced inequality ratio | P+ = | 0.184 344
Indegree balanced inequality ratio | P− = | 0.170 510
Relative edge distribution entropy | Her = | 0.845 432
Power law exponent | γ = | 2.025 80
Tail power law exponent | γt = | 1.691 00
Tail power law exponent with p | γ3 = | 1.691 00
p-value | p = | 0.000 00
Outdegree tail power law exponent with p | γ3,o = | 1.711 00
Outdegree p-value | po = | 0.000 00
Indegree tail power law exponent with p | γ3,i = | 1.741 00
Indegree p-value | pi = | 0.000 00
Degree assortativity | ρ = | −0.040 645 7
Degree assortativity p-value | pρ = | 9.654 33 × 10−294
In/outdegree correlation | ρ± = | +0.736 595
Clustering coefficient | c = | 0.065 678 8
Directed clustering coefficient | c± = | 0.090 296 9
Spectral norm | α = | 245.999
Operator 2-norm | ν = | 139.616
Cyclic eigenvalue | π = | 106.528
Algebraic connectivity | a = | 0.022 466 4
Spectral separation | |λ1[A] / λ2[A]| = | 1.743 14
Reciprocity | y = | 0.405 226
Non-bipartivity | bA = | 0.723 602
Normalized non-bipartivity | bN = | 0.016 785 3
Algebraic non-bipartivity | χ = | 0.032 250 1
Spectral bipartite frustration | bK = | 0.000 753 884
Controllability | C = | 41,816
Relative controllability | Cr = | 0.551 088
Matrix decompositions plots
Jérôme Kunegis.
KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection.
In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages
1343–1350, 2013.
[ http ]
Matthew Richardson, Rakesh Agrawal, and Pedro Domingos.
Trust management for the semantic web.
In Proc. Int. Semant. Web Conf., pages 351–368. 2003.