Wiktionary edits (ga)
This is the bipartite edit network of the Irish Wiktionary. It contains users
and pages from the Irish Wiktionary, connected by edit events. Each edge
represents an edit. The dataset includes the timestamp of each edit.
Size | n = | 6,005
Left size | n1 = | 392
Right size | n2 = | 5,613
Volume | m = | 48,361
Unique edge count | m̿ = | 23,134
Wedge count | s = | 14,218,602
Claw count | z = | 8,545,478,473
Cross count | x = | 4,501,431,785,639
Square count | q = | 17,888,007
4-Tour count | T4 = | 200,025,036
Maximum degree | dmax = | 7,699
Maximum left degree | d1max = | 7,699
Maximum right degree | d2max = | 207
Average degree | d = | 16.106 9
Average left degree | d1 = | 123.370
Average right degree | d2 = | 8.615 89
Fill | p = | 0.010 514 0
Average edge multiplicity | m̃ = | 2.090 47
Size of LCC | N = | 5,701
Diameter | δ = | 13
50-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.5 = | 3.144 73
90-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.9 = | 3.979 12
Median distance | δM = | 4
Mean distance | δm = | 3.348 86
Gini coefficient | G = | 0.772 957
Balanced inequality ratio | P = | 0.201 681
Left balanced inequality ratio | P1 = | 0.058 290 8
Right balanced inequality ratio | P2 = | 0.278 117
Relative edge distribution entropy | Her = | 0.751 330
Power law exponent | γ = | 1.997 43
Tail power law exponent | γt = | 2.931 00
Tail power law exponent with p | γ3 = | 2.931 00
p-value | p = | 0.000 00
Left tail power law exponent with p | γ3,1 = | 1.611 00
Left p-value | p1 = | 0.000 00
Right tail power law exponent with p | γ3,2 = | 7.381 00
Right p-value | p2 = | 0.626 000
Degree assortativity | ρ = | −0.184 868
Degree assortativity p-value | pρ = | 6.036 29 × 10−177
Spectral norm | α = | 321.925
Algebraic connectivity | a = | 0.006 441 09
Spectral separation | |λ1[A] / λ2[A]| = | 1.249 29
Controllability | C = | 5,248
Relative controllability | Cr = | 0.877 886
Matrix decompositions plots
Jérôme Kunegis.
KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection.
In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages
1343–1350, 2013.
[ http ]
Wikimedia Foundation.
Wikimedia downloads.
http://dumps.wikimedia.org/, January 2010.