Wikipedia conflict
The edges in this network represent positive and negative conflicts between
users of the English Wikipedia, for example users involved in an edit-war. A
node represents a user and an edge represents a conflict between two users,
with the edge sign representing positive and negative interactions. An example
for a negative interaction would be when one user revert the edit of another
Size | n = | 118,100
Volume | m = | 2,917,785
Unique edge count | m̿ = | 2,014,062
Loop count | l = | 0
Wedge count | s = | 1,394,925,925
Claw count | z = | 3,157,737,873,756
Triangle count | t = | 13,852,230
Square count | q = | 7,362,075,281
4-Tour count | T4 = | 64,440,643,864
Maximum degree | dmax = | 136,192
Average degree | d = | 49.412 1
Average edge multiplicity | m̃ = | 1.448 71
Size of LCC | N = | 113,123
Diameter | δ = | 10
50-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.5 = | 2.772 34
90-Percentile effective diameter | δ0.9 = | 3.892 43
Median distance | δM = | 3
Mean distance | δm = | 3.363 59
Gini coefficient | G = | 0.809 687
Balanced inequality ratio | P = | 0.167 106
Relative edge distribution entropy | Her = | 0.864 542
Power law exponent | γ = | 1.534 62
Tail power law exponent | γt = | 1.501 00
Degree assortativity | ρ = | −0.065 011 7
Degree assortativity p-value | pρ = | 0.000 00
Clustering coefficient | c = | 0.029 791 3
Spectral norm | α = | 4,810.78
Algebraic connectivity | a = | 0.018 347 8
Spectral separation | |λ1[A] / λ2[A]| = | 1.059 93
Non-bipartivity | bA = | 0.260 217
Normalized non-bipartivity | bN = | 0.074 872 1
Algebraic non-bipartivity | χ = | 0.120 114
Spectral bipartite frustration | bK = | 0.000 836 416
Negativity | ζ = | 0.621 160
Triadic conflict | τ = | 0.376 808
Controllability | C = | 43,533
Relative controllability | Cr = | 0.375 839
Matrix decompositions plots
Jérôme Kunegis.
KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection.
In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages
1343–1350, 2013.
[ http ]
Ulrik Brandes, Patrick Kenis, Jürgen Lerner, and Denise van Raaij.
Network analysis of collaboration structure in Wikipedia.
In Proc. Int. World Wide Web Conf., pages 731–740, 2009.